Beyond The Skatepark - Infecting The City 2013

"For most of the office workers on the end of the Foreshore, Thibault Square is not more than a lunch time chill spot.
For most skateboarders in Cape Town, Thibault Square or BP Centre is a Mecca for street skateboarding, perfect ledges, benches, and stairs to grind, jump and shred. Despite the constant run-in with the law and security guards or the “No Skateboarding” signs, Thibault Square is Cape Town’s very own skatepark!
The Sk8Collective, Africa Skate and 20sk8 have teamed up with the peoples of Infecting the City to bring you the very first “Skate the City”. On the 15th March 2013, Skateboarders are called to take to the streets of Cape Town and move beyond the boundaries of a skatepark, and reclaim our space in the City.
“Beyond the Skatepark” will start with a push from the top of Long Street to Thibault Square. Join in and spread the word….let the City hear sound of a thousand skateboarders.

So what do you need to know to join this event?
Where: Top of Long Street (McDonalds parking lot)
When: 15th March 2013
Time: 6pm" - AFRICA SKATE

Facebook Event: Beyond The Skatepark 2013
Big thanks to 20sk8, Africa Skate and The Sk8Collective


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